Laser beam splitter is a diffractive optical element (DOE) that divides a single laser or LED beam into multiple beams. Each beam retains the characteristics of the original beam and can be arranged in a regular or irregular pattern. Depending on the diffraction pattern, the beam splitter can generate one-dimensional beam arrays or two-dimensional beam matrices, or be designed to produce specific beam patterns as needed. A one-dimensional laser beam splitter element divides a single laser beam into multiple beams that diverge at different angles in a given plane, forming multiple focal points in the plane perpendicular to the propagation direction. The splitter can divide both single-mode and multi-mode lasers, precisely control the beam divergence angle, and is suitable for incident light wavelengths from ultraviolet to infrared. It is applicable in areas such as multi-beam material processing, laser lighting, machine vision, 3D sensing, and fiber coupling.